Hopland Research & Extension Center
Roderick A. Shippey Field Laboratory & Education Facility

The project began with an on-site workshop with Center staff and UC Extension Agents to develop the goals, program and a plan for a modest, low-budget multi-use conference center and research labs. A good portion of the staff have been at the Center for decades and their deep knowledge of the place informed the design intent from the very beginning.

The building is composed of simple barn like forms designed to provide passive summer shade and winter warmth. Many of the surrounding trees are riddled with holes, caused by acorn woodpeckers, who drill holes and plant acorns which then sprout worms that are the woodpecker's food. Instead of placing a cement board sheathing that would detract the birds, we are using a material that will provide the necessary performance for the building envelope, as well as celebrating the unique aspects of this particular place. We look forward to the random patterns the woodpeckers will create.